My February and March in books

When I last did this post, for January, I had read eight books for the month. However, February and March marked going back to school and not having as much time to read. I also read a couple of significantly longer books than I did in January. s! As I did with the last post, I've included the scores I gave them on Goodreads ^^ The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown - I read the first two books in the series way back when I was in high school. I remembered them well enough to read the third without going back, and I knew I had liked them. I liked the book, it was entertaining, but far from being a favourite or one I would re-read. (3/5) Looking for Alaska by John Green - I really enjoyed TFIOS, but this book bored me a bit. I felt like I was just trying to get through it. Could be that I am reading it at the wrong age, or that I didn't relate to the characters as much. It is choc-full of teen angst, and I seriously think I might have enjoyed it more when I was a teen. (2/5) Und...