경주 Gyeongju Excursion: 불국사 (Bulguksa Temple)
Continuing with the photos from our one-day excursion to Gyeongju, the second stop was Bulguksa Temple. Bulguksa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Seokguram is actually part of Bulguksa and the two were added to the list simultaneously.
Click to view part one and photos from Seokguram Grotto 석굴암
In addition to being a World Heritage site, Bulguksa is home to many National Treasures. The temple was originally built in 528 during the Silla Dynasty, but did not get its current name until 774. Over the course of time the temple has undergone several reconstructions, the most recent having started in 1973. To read more about the history of Bulguksa see here or here.
Now to the photos from our trip to 불국사 Bulguksa! ^^

We spent a decent amount of time here and were able to walk around the area surrounding the temple too. Nestled in the hills, it is absolutely gorgeous here.
Click to view part one and photos from Seokguram Grotto 석굴암
In addition to being a World Heritage site, Bulguksa is home to many National Treasures. The temple was originally built in 528 during the Silla Dynasty, but did not get its current name until 774. Over the course of time the temple has undergone several reconstructions, the most recent having started in 1973. To read more about the history of Bulguksa see here or here.
Now to the photos from our trip to 불국사 Bulguksa! ^^

We spent a decent amount of time here and were able to walk around the area surrounding the temple too. Nestled in the hills, it is absolutely gorgeous here.
Crossing this bridge will take you to the temple.
On the way to the temple you will cross through this gate, inside are four giant figures.
The four guardians are impressive to look at, what with their height and detail. I can't find anywhere what they stood for, although I know we were told at the time.
Bulguksa, on the left you can see 연화교 (Lotus Flower Bridge) and 칠보교 (Seven Treasures Bridge). These bridges are the steps into the temple. The lower 10 steps are 연화교 and the upper eight are 칠보교. The bridges together compose of one of the National Treasures at Bulguksa.
청운교 (Blue Cloud Bridge) and 백운교 (White Cloud Bridge) are also a National Treasure (as a pair). The lower portion is 청운교 and the upper 백운교. I should note that the the bridges blocked, this is no longer how you enter the temple. You have to go around to the side.
Just inside the entrance of the temple.
다보탑 Dabotap Pagoda. There are two pagodas located inside Bulguksa, 다보탑 on the right and 석가탑 Seokgatap on the left. 다보탑 is taller and more ornate in its design, but 석가탑 is known for the balance of its portions. Sadly, 석가탑 was under construction and disassembled when we were there. (You can see in the first photo of this post that it was covered)
다보탑 should be a familiar sight, it's on the 10원 coin!
Looking down from the top of 청운교 and 백운교
And of course, this post would be incomplete without a close up of detailed architecture. So, here it is: a dragon-type image this time ^^
Is Bulguksa on your travel wishlist?
Or have you been?

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