KonMari books; pretty and practical

I swore to myself I would not buy the companion book to The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up . How many books do I need on tidying? After having moved four times in the past year and a half or so, I've cleared all my unnecessary objects. The first move in particular forced me to get rid of a ton of stuff, including around 300 odd books (which I should mention I miss terribly. I never realized that books are my favourite and most comforting decor items, until they were gone). There's just something about Marie Kondo's complete love of organizing, useful tips, and adorable book designs that I'm weak to. The moment I saw the little pictures, I knew I had to buy it. That said, as I'm reading this one, I feel like I'm more likely to use it in the future. The layout and images make an easy (adorable) reference guide that you can look back on and find what you need without much of a search.