
Showing posts from December, 2015

Farewell 2015, it's been amazing

This year was surprising in so many amazing ways. I never could have predicted that this year's highlights would contain half of the things it does. In 2015 I... ...started the year as a teacher in Korea. I made amazing friends and loved going into Seoul almost every weekend to meet up with them. I also learned quite a bit through my job. ...moved to Austin, a place I NEVER thought I would live. ...finally started volunteering at an animal shelter after years of saying I wanted to, but not following through. ...adopted Mochi and Pekoe! I seriously adore these kittens, they are just the sweetest pair of kitties. Adopting two was definitely not my plan going into adopting Mochi, but I couldn't resist her only brother. So, Pekoe joined us three days later, and I couldn't be happier. They've adjusted to the new place just fine ^^ my first job in the US, and I'm loving it, which would probably surprise you if you knew what it is. ...bought a h...

The Sunday Post 02

I've moved into my house! It's all very exciting, and I'm loving it so far. My commute is a bit shorter, the cats have plenty of room to run and go crazy. I have a walk-in closet... Mostly, I just have plenty of exciting plans and ideas to complete the space over the next year. Our office Christmas party was this past Saturday, and I was actually surprised how fun it was. I thought there was no way I would stay the whole time, but I did. I'm still trying to learn a balance between work and my personal life, but it's difficult. I'll get to a place that's at least a bit better than now, soon-ish. Mochi and Pekoe are now 7 months old and are almost full-grown cats. They've transitioned to the move pretty well, although the first couple days saw two terrified kitties hiding in my closet.