
Showing posts from November, 2015

Learning to "adult"

Cutting through the Capitol grounds to get back to my car from the office This month has become an exciting, life-changing one. I started my first full-time job in the US, and it's far closer to my career interests than my previous. It's different in so many ways from teaching in Korea, but somehow my first week has been significantly easier. Everyone has been awesome so far, and the company has a sort-of cool, Austin-chill vibe. Working downtown means a longer commute, but it's fun being there five days a week! Speaking of Austin, it's official, I'm staying here for the foreseeable future. I am buying a house! How it all came to be is a long story, and a series of events (unfortunate for some, but fortunate for me!). It's brand new and absolutely adorable. The moment I walked in, I was in love. It's light and bright, and just has a happy feel. The cats and I move in next month. It's in area I wouldn't have considered, but the house is just so,...

October in Books

First-Time-Reads The Driver's Clothes Lie Empty : ( Vandela Vida ) 2/5 A woman travels to Casablanca and is robbed of all her money and ID. Knowing that she won't get her possessions back, she feels liberated by her new freedom to be anyone she chooses. She becomes a stand-in for a famous actress and finds herself inhabiting the actress's skin off-set too.  This book was such a disappointment! It had such potential with the story, but the author chose to write it in a second person narrative ("you"). I absolutely hated that aspect, it threw me off, and rather than pulling me into the emotions of the story, it pushed me further away. However, if you don't mind books in this format, you may enjoy it quite a bit!   Emma : ( Jane Austen ) 5/5 Emma Woodhouse is content with her life and sees little reason to marry. However, she greatly enjoys acting as a matchmaker to those around her. When Harriet Smith comes to town, Emma takes her under wing an ...