Introducing the kittens

I recently started volunteering in the cattery at Austin Pets Alive! (APA!). Naturally I knew it was only a matter of time before I found the perfect kitten to take home. Actually, it was my second time going there when I got my first kitten. L: Pekoe, the boy - R: Mochi, the girl I saw her profile online first and knew I had to meet her. She turned out to be the perfect sassy, but super sweet kitty. I adopted her that day and took her home. What I didn't know when I read her profile was that she only had one brother, whom she'd never been apart from. I did meet him too, but I was worried about getting two. So, I didn't adopt him. She did really well when I was around, but found it hard when I wasn't in sight. After two and a half days of regretting not getting her brother, I decided to call and ask if he'd been adopted. He hadn't! He had been moved to one of APA!'s offsite catteries, though. It was a bit far, but I drove out and picked him up that...