Books: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

There's no denying that since moving to Korea I've had way less time to read. Even so, I'm as determined as usual to reach my annual goal of reading 50 books this year. I am now on year four of this. Anyway, I want a way to keep track of my thoughts on each book. So, I'll post here with a review of each book. Today's book is Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, and it's actually the ninth book I've read this year, but ideas sometimes come later than an actual start. What I liked Sloan's writing style is very smooth (does this make sense? It's the only word I could think fit what I wanted to say), it just flows well without jumping around. The book does draw you in, particularly in the middle. At that point the book goes through a few chapters of feeling like an exciting mystery. The chapter "Why do you love books so much?" was one of the best, in my opinion. I also liked how she captured both sides of the comput...