
Showing posts from May, 2013

My new favourite summer meal: 냉면 Naengmyeon

Last weekend my program took us all to 부산 Busan and I finally was able to have some delicious 냉면 (naengmyeon). I chose 물냉면 (water naengmyeon) which is buckwheat noodles in a cold broth. The other doesn't have the broth. This one came with 1/2 an egg, a slice of pork, some kimchi slices, cucumber, and of course 고추장 red pepper paste to make it spicy \(^.^)/ Apparently the place we went to is quite famous, I believe it! We had to wait in line to go and eat! 맛있었어요! The whole time I was eating it I kept singing SNSD Jessica and 박명수 Park Myung Soo's duet song, it's quite catchy ^.~ Have you tried 냉면? What did you think? I will upload more photos from 부산 soon ^^

Living in Seoul: Smoggy vs. Clear days

There are so many little things I notice living here, so I thought I would just start sharing them here. I don't want to forget these things that are a part of my daily life in Seoul. My friends and I have all learned that yellow dust is the worst. From what I've heard it's basically a combination of sand and pollution with some other stuff thrown in, I'm sure. On a good, clear day ^^ do you see the stadium? (it's in the center) The way we judge how bad it is: look out the window, I know a clear day when I can see across the river and the mountains in the background. I use Olympic Stadium and Lotte World as my main gauge. On a clear day I can easily see them both on the worst days I can't see them at all. It's in between for other days. Today is not a clear day... it's also raining. Which means tomorrow might be ok! The days it's really bad it tends to be harder to breathe outside and leaves you just generally not feeling all that great....

K.Will at Konkuk? School festival day 1

This week is Konkuk University's festival, starting yesterday and ending on Thursday. Although I didn't take many any photos, I did manage to get a few with my phone during K.Will's performance. It was exciting to walk back on campus from getting bubble tea to him performing out front one of the buildings. I was actually not that far from the stage, but my camera makes it look like I was way in the back, I don't know why. He sang a total of five songs, including my three favourites (I don't remember the other ones names): - 이러지마 제발 (Please Don't...) - 러브블러썸 (Love Blossom) - 가슴이 뛴다 (My Heart is Beating) Talking with the MCs before performing, he's so charming! I think he was singing Love Blossom at this point. Lots of people came to see him perform and I know for fact they were not all KU students. Ah! See the camera guy in this shot? He spotted my friend and i at one point, smiled, then filmed us for a couple mins  (longer than n...

Lazy Days: 팥빙수 and 건대 at sunset

After our excursion to 경주 Gyeongju on Saturday we've all been a bit lazy the past couple days. On Sunday 3 of us decided to try 팥빙수 since we weren't up to doing much after the dorm festival the night before (more on that later). The school festival starts tomorrow, which is super exciting! I've heard Epik High is coming on Weds (the school's founding day).    The weather has taken a sudden jump here in Seoul to the '80s (F) which means time to try 팥빙수 (patbingsu). My friends and I shared the strawberry one from Cafe Bene. It was so delicious! 팥빙수 is a popular warm-weather dessert here. It's made with shaved ice, red beans, sweet condensed milk, sometimes fruit and ice cream (such as ours!) It's a must try ^.^  Tonight whilst wandering campus my friends and I decided to go onto the roof of the student union building. I wish I had brought my actual camera, but luckily I did have my phone on me. I love the 건대 campus, it's just so pretty in the...